日本でも絶大な人気を誇る9人組多国籍KPOPグループ・TWICE(トゥワイス)。そこにいるだけで周囲を明るくしてしまうムードメーカー的存在、DAHYUN(ダヒョン)の魅力をご紹介します。この投稿をInstagramで見る TWICE(@twicetagram)がシェアした投稿 ...
25 ++ cheer up twice lyrics meaning 340543
At first, the concept seemed to be cheerleaders in the same vein as SNSD 's "Oh" and AOA 's "Heart Attack', but ...
[新しいコレクション] twice june comeback 2021 291747-Twice june comeback 2021
KPop girl group TWICE announced their 21 comeback with the 10th minialbum 'Taste of Love' The album features two release dates, Jun...
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